Outlining my organization method and sharing example workflows.
For intermediate Comfy users. My other public notions linked here.
Nathan Shipley v1, May 9, 2024 nathanshipley.com
<aside> ⚠️ Comfy workflows from other people can be a mess and hard to follow!
As Mario Klingemann points out:
Also Mario: “The problem is always that it makes total sense to the person who built it iteratively, but for anyone else it's just like one of those drawers where your headphones play bondage games with your power supplies.”
My goal here is to share my personal thinking on how to organize Comfy workflows. Let’s try to work in a more organized, standardized, legible way.
The basic workflow here is what I use for almost everything; both still image and video generation. Inpainting, video-to-video stylization, IPAdapter, etc.
We want a simple, extensible structure that can be added to as-needed, shared, and quickly understood by someone else.
(with and without Set/Get nodes.)
Basic Workflow with Set/Get nodes (cleaner)
Note: The above workflow uses Set/Get nodes to create invisible connections. It can be confusing for beginners and some people prefer not to use them. For that I also have this workflow built using reroute nodes:
Basic Workflow without Set/Get nodes (more noodles!)