<aside> 👁️ This page is where I collected notes from October 2023 until February 2024 about AnimateDiff, ComfyUI and other open source AI video tools. Most knowledge here was gathered from the Banodoco Discord and Twitter.

I started this page as a way to personally catalog and remember the overwhelming amount of information coming out around AI video.

The information below is incomplete, out of date, and somewhat disorganized!

However, I think something like this could be very useful as a public, searchable, community-driven resource to capture and share information. So much knowledge and R&D work is buried and lost deep in Discord servers.

Perhaps we can create something as a community along the lines of what is seen below with notes, tags, timestamps, example images and videos, and links to workflows.

Nathan Shipley nathanshipley.com x.com/CitizenPlain


News & Releases & Papers

News, Release, Paper Log

Techniques & Examples:

Simple Animation to Complex

AnimateDiff Motion Painting VFX

Camera Move / Zoom Out

Input Images

LoRA Examples


Character Transformation

Prompt Travel / Txt2Vid


Upres / Upscale

Line Drawing Coloring



Stable Video Diffusion / MotionCtrl
